Saying Hello is the First Step Toward Freedom
The Hello Panic program is my life's mission to help the world overcome anxiety and panic so we can all live our best possible lives.
-- Dr. Kristin Vaughn, Creator of Hello Panic

Hello Panic is a community for education and healing designed for individuals who suffer from panic attacks.
300+ members and 3000+ likes... Join us!
Anatomy of a Panic Attack
The Hello Panic program will be released very soon!
Panic Attack Suvival Guide
The Hello Panic program will be released very soon!
From Panic to Panic Disorder
The Hello Panic program will be released very soon!
The Road to Panic Recovery
The Hello Panic program will be released very soon!

According to Psychology Today, wellbeing is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health and high life satisfaction, and the ability to manage stress. It is what most everyone wants in life. But, when we suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, it can seem wholly unachievable.
In her latest work, Dr. Vaughn reminds us that the core strategies for wellbeing are critical to creating a foundation of healthy living. And this foundation, in turn, removes the types of environmental stimuli that promote anxiety and panic. In other words, when you suffer from anxiety and panic, it's even more important to take good care of yourself.
Join our email list and we'll send you the "10 Strategies for Wellbeing" PDF (perfect for printing!)
Start sowing the seeds of healthy living today!